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Food production: Agriculture is the primary source of food for the world’s population. Studying agriculture allows individuals to learn about crop production, soil management, irrigation techniques, and other aspects of food production, which can help improve food security and reduce hunger. Bright Future International is working on Agricultural economics is a branch of applied economics that takes the tools of both micro and macroeconomics and uses them to solve problems in a specific area. With food inflation soaring and agricultural disputes at the heart of the collapse of the latest round of world trade talks, the subject has seldom been so topical.

• Agriculture Sector Development Project (ASDP) Midline Survey/ MoALD/ASDP. 

• Endline Survey for Nepal Livestock Sector innovation Project (NLSIP)” Contract ID No. NPMOLD-312961-CS-CQS- ONLINE DATA COLLECTION

• Data collection services in Nepal as part of the project Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas Project (ASHA) Work Order No: 2022/02 

• Preparation of Project Completion Report (PCR) and Endline Survey of the Adaptation for Smallholders in Hilly Areas Project (ASHA). 

• Baseline Survey for Agriculture Sector Development Programme (ASDP) Contract No.: ASDP/CS/QCBS-01/076/77. 

• Survey to Assess User satisfaction with delivery of Agricultural Management Information System (AMIS) Services [Study on Project Terminal Survey (End Line) and Impact Study] Contract ID No.: PPCR/MOAD/CS/CQS-89. 

• Baseline Survey on Production, Productivity, and Business Strata of Fruits and Vegetables and Socioeconomic Conditions of the Involved Households in CMDP Project Districts. CMDP/01/2019.

• End line Beneficiary Results Assessment (BRA) and Community Score Card (CSC) Survey of Agriculture and Food Security Project (AFSP)- GAFSP Grant# TF 013719.

• Annual Outcome Survey: Kisankalagi Unnat Biu Bijan Karyakram(KUBK)-ISFP-CS02/2074/75.

• Preparation of Implementation Guidelines for the Implementation of Farmers Field School (Rural Poultry)/AFSP.

• For Conducting Pre- feasibility study on Processing and Marketing of Citrus and Mango

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